SOCIAL SCIENCES TRACK Through a series of seminars and a carefully-supervised research project in an area of personal interest, students explore how the social sciences share some intellectual heritage and how they can come together to address problems confronting the contemporary world. Track participants will examine the perspectives of psychology, sociology, political science, and anthropology on matters including the family, work life, the legal system, religion, hatred, aggression, poverty, international conflict, and other topics. Who should apply? Open to students from any major, the track draws primarily from sociology, psychology, political science, and anthropology majors. Students from business, communications, public health, and many other majors have also enrolled. A minimum 3.25 GPA is required. Students in the track can expect a stimulating learning opportunity led by accomplished researchers in the social sciences who are also deeply committed to teaching and preparing students for the next steps in their education and careers. Students will read and discuss some of the finest social scientific thinkers throughout history; they will also learn how to conduct meaningful social science research. Our goal is for many students in the track to present their findings at scholarly conferences and, even, to publish their work. The Honors Track in the Social Sciences is particularly appropriate for students who want to strengthen their applications to law school or graduate school in psychology, sociology, political science, anthropology, social work, law enforcement, and associated fields. What courses will I take? Required Courses Social Science Honors 2010 - Honors Seminar in the Social Sciences I: Theory Social Science Honors 2020 - Honors Seminar in the Social Sciences II: Methodology Social Science Honors 3010 - Honors Seminar in the Social Sciences III: Application Social Science Honors 4010 - Honor Thesis I Social Science Honors 4020 - Honor Thesis II Example Course sequence for Social Science Track Track courses may be taken in any order with the permission of the director. Fall Semester Spring Semester 1st year None None 2nd year (Sophomore) None Complete Track Application 3rd year (Junior) Two of the following: SSH 2010, 2020, or 3010 Either SSH 2010, 2020, 3010 4th year (Senior) SSH 4010 (Thesis I) SSH 4020 (Thesis II) Social Science Honors 2010 – Honors Seminar in the Social Sciences I: Theory As social scientists attempt to decipher human social behavior, they make various moral, theoretical, political, and methodological choices. The first two seminars in the track examine the intellectual origins of such choices. A special effort is made to identify where the various social science disciplines differ and where possibilities exist for interdisciplinary cooperation. Students in the first seminar explore these issues while reading and discussing classic works in psychology, sociology, political science, and anthropology. Prerequisite: Admission to the Social Sciences Honors track Social Science Honors 2020 – Honors Seminar in the Social Sciences II: Methodology This seminar presents and assesses various quantitative and qualitative research methodologies used in the social sciences. Students also participate in semester-long group research projects. Prerequisite: Admission to the Social Sciences Honors track. Social Science Honors 3010 – Honors Seminar in the Social Sciences III: Application Each semester, this seminar examines a different social dilemma from a variety of social science perspectives. Seminars may address: (1) Law and Justice, (2) International Conflict, (3) Family Matters, (4) Religion, or other topics. Prerequisites: Admission to the Social Sciences Honors track or permission of the Track Director. Students may repeat this course for credit, though subsequent enrollments would count as electives. Social Science Honors 4010 – Honors Thesis I Students design and carry out research in preparation for writing an honors thesis. We will embrace methodological diversity, requiring primarily that a project be feasible and fall within the domain of the social sciences broadly conceived. Faculty members are committed to helping students conduct successful research. Prerequisites: SSH 2010, SSH 2020, and SSH 3010 or permission of the Track Director. Social Science Honors 4020 – Honors Thesis II Students complete and present an honors thesis. Prerequisites: SSH 4010 or permission of the Track Director. Recent Thesis Topics: Alexandra Bergen, Effects of Stuttering on Employment, 2024 Jessica David, Beyond the Screen: Analyzing Attitudes Toward Stay-at-Home Parents in Tik-Tok's User-Generated Content, 2024 William Hennessy, Inappropriate Behaviors in Online Video Games, 2024 Melanie Hernandez, Representation of Lawyers on Television: Race, Gender, Ethnicity and Sex, 2024 Jennah Janouk, The Lived Experiences of Syrian-Born Circassians Post-1930, 2024 Hannah Liss, Using or Abusing: Stigma and Empathy Towards Overdose, 2024 Emily Martinez, Gen Z Political Tolerance, 2024 Nicole Visco, Exploring Student Motivation: A Qualitative Analysis of Students' and Teachers' Experiences in K-12 Education, 2024 Rinesa Gerbeshi, Kosovars' War Experiences (1998-1999), 2023 Nikita Duncan, Human versus Animal Life: Is human life worth more than animal life?, 2021 Ema Jacketti, Fictional Lesbian Characters on Television: A Content Analysis, 2021 Lauren Kreutzer, Psychology Behind Horror Film, 2021 Brittany Moore, Comparing the Protests: Does Colin Kaepernickʹs Protest Stand Out From the Rest?, 2021 Sarah Myers, Understanding Unified Programs and Integrating People with Disabilities Into Communities, 2021 Nicole Stroh, Determinants of Job Satisfaction, 2021 Vanessa Cajes, Ethnic Identification and Assimilation Among 2nd Generation Filipino American College Students, 2020 Kayla Bowling, Assessment of Generation Z Attitudes Toward Marriage and Family Life, 2020 Emma Gritsch, The continuing impact of racism on the health of Black mothers and babies, 2020 Samantha Koprowski, The Impact of Gender Quotas on Women’s Descriptive and Substantive Representation in the G7 Nations, 2020 Bejamin Liegner, Perceived Authenticity, 2020 Kate Panitz, Misconceptions About Immigrants in America: A Review of the Literature and Data, 2020 Devin Savoie, The First Amendment & Video Games: Brown v Entertainment Merchants Association 2010 to Today, 2020 Jake Simon, Japanese Anime: Factors Leading to Acceptance or Rejection, 2020 Emma Tang, The Impact of Cochlear Implants, 2020 Keira White, Gait Patterns in Relation to Leg Length Discrepancies: A Randomized Control Study, 2020 How do I enroll? To enroll in the Social Sciences Honors Track, contact the Director, Dr. Danielle Wallace, at 973-720-3026, must also complete the track application in WPConnect, under Academic Services, Honors application. About the Track Director: Dr. Danielle Wallace holds a B.A. in Black Studies from the State University of New York College at New Paltz, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in African American Studies from Temple University. Dr. Wallace’s research interests include Black families, gender and sexual politics, and the socio-political roots of Africana Studies. Her current scholarship and publications center on Black student activism and Black male/female relationships, especially the dating, marriage and mate selection ideals of Black men and women.