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The Biology track draws on discoveries in many subfields of Biology and is open to students pursing a major in any science. 

The track is ideal for:

  • Students majoring in science, especially those students majoring in Biology and Biotechnology 
  • Students who wish to develop their curricula and biological research interests in areas of faculty expertise
  • Any student in good standing in Honors (3.25 GPA) may apply for the Biology Track


Required Track Courses

General Biology:  Evolution, Ecology, and Biodiversity (BIO 1620) Fall first year 
General Biology:  Cell, Molecular, and Genetics (BIO 1630) Spring first year; and an Honors UCC
Cell Biology (BIO 2050) Fall second year; and an needed Honors UCC
General Genetics (BIO 2060) Spring second year
Honors Literature Seminar (BIO 3950) Fall third year 
Research Methods in Biology (BIO 5330) Spring third year
Honors Independent Study in Biology (BIO 4990) or Honors Biology Seminar (BIO 4800)  or equivalent course in Chemistry or Environmental Science with permission of the track director. Fall fourth year


How does the track operate? 

Students will follow a four-year plan (detailed below) that outlines a sequence of courses required for the track. Some courses will overlap with courses required for students majoring in Biology or Biotechnology. 

 Year 1

General Biology I and II (BIO 1620 and BIO 1630)

Introduction to the study of ecology, evolution, and behavior; diversity and classification, history of life, evolutionary theory, population growth, and regulation, species diversity and community structure, energy flow and nutrient cycling, ethology, behavior genetics, evolution of behavior, sociobiology, behavioral ecology. 

General Biology II provides a background in biological principles. Similarities and differences between living organisms, both plant and animal, are discussed. Content includes molecular, cellular and sub-cellular structure and function, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, cross-membrane molecular transport, genetics, DNA structure, replication, transcription, and protein synthesis. 


Year 2

During their second year, students will focus on experimental design, data analysis, and statistical inference. Students will begin guided exploration into potential research areas under supervision of the track director. All students will apply for funds or funded opportunities relevant to their proposed research projects or areas. 

Cell Biology (BIO 2050)

A study of the physiological and biochemical processes that regulate and maintain cell function; cellular and sub-cellular structures are studied particularly as applicable to cell function. 

General Genetics (BIO 2060)

A study of some of the basic principles and laws of genetics as revealed by modern molecular-genetic approaches; the intention is to familiarize the student with the organization and properties of hereditary material (nucleic acids) and highlight some of the critical experiments that laid the foundations of our understanding. All sections of this course are technology intensive. 


Students will participate in research/internship activities on or off campus. 


Year 3

During their third year, students not funded for research in year 2 can edit and resubmit applications for research support, or modify projects and submit anew. Students will develop a final year independent study project, submit to I.S. committee, and make revisions to receive approval by April.


Junior Literature Seminar (BIO3950-01)

Students will develop their skills in engaging the biological literature across a range of biological disciplines, such as physiology, molecular biology, and ecology. After reading and critiquing several advanced papers, the student’s critical reading skills will be applied to a final course project in a research area of interest to the student. This can serve as a starting point for literature review required for the student’s Senior Honors Thesis.


Students will make progress in research toward independent study (fieldwork, data collection and analysis, etc.). 


Year 4

Research methods in Biology (BIO 5330)

A thorough examination of the methodologies, procedures, and issues of science, particularly as they apply to biology; emphasis is on design of research, statistical treatment of data and interpretation of results.


Independent Study (BIO 4990) or Capstone (BIO 4800)

Students will complete an independent study project which will include a summary of research findings. 



What are Biology thesis topics?

The Honors Biology Track supports thesis topics of many types, reflecting the diversity in modern biology. These can include field-based studies, laboratory work (including molecular studies and large-scale physiology projects), genetic and genomic projects, and computer modeling and analysis. All these types of research can be done under the supervision of William Paterson faculty members, who have expertise in all these areas. 


How do I enroll? 

To enroll in the Biology Honors Track, contact the Director, Dr. Emily Monroe, at (973) 720-2792, You must complete the online track application and submit it to the Honors College. 


About the Track Director:

Dr. Emily Monroe is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biology. She earned her Ph.D. in cellular and molecular biology and pathobiology with a focus on marine biomedicine and environmental sciences from the Medical University of South Carolina, and she was an NIH IRACDA Postdoctoral Fellow at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego. Her research interests include understanding bloom dynamics and toxicity of harmful algal bloom species using a variety of cellular, molecular, and genomic approaches.