

In order to provide students with first-rate service and support, the Office of Student Accounts requires students who expect to receive a refund to enroll in our eRefunds service.   eRefunds are sent electronically via direct deposit to a designated personal checking or savings account and are fast and secure.  You no longer have to wait for your refund check to arrive by mail.  Please refer to the instructions below to set up your account.   Please note that eRefunds can only be deposited to your personal checking or saving account, no other types of accounts are allowed for direct deposit. 

To enroll in this service, click on e-Refunds for video instructions on how to set up your account.  

Instructions to add a new bank account

  • Login to WPConnect and navigate to the Billing and Payments section.  Click on the link to "Sign up for e-Refunds".
  • From the top menu bar, click on the "Refunds" tab" .  You will be required to complete the Two-Step Verification by receiving a passcode.  Once you enter the passcode, click the green "verify" button.   You will then be able to set up a new account for direct deposit or select an existing account.
  • To use an existing account that you previously saved as a payment method, click on the button for the bank account that you wish to use for direct deposit of your eRefund.
  • To create a new account, click on the option to "Set up a New Account".  You will need your ABA routing and bank account numbers to enter your account information.  You must create a name to save your payment method.  Please review  the information that you entered for accuracy and click “Continue”.
  • To complete the process, you must read the agreement form and click on the “I Agree” box if you want the University to credit funds to your personal checking or saving account.
  • Click "Print Agreement" to keep a copy for your records and then click "Continue" to finalize the set up of your account for refunds.

Instructions to change or remove bank account information

If you currently have a payment method set up for direct deposit and want to remove an existing account for refunds follow the instructions below.

  • Click on the "Refunds" tab from the top menu bar to remove an existing account for your refunds.  
  • Go to the "Current Refund Method" section and click the button on the far right and select "Remove" if you no longer want your refund to be deposited into the saved payment method. 
  • To select another existing account, go to the Direct Deposit (Replace current account) section and click "Update" to select another account or click "Set up a new account" for direct deposit of your refund.  To set up a new account, you will need your ABA routing and bank account numbers to enter your account information.  You must create a name to save your payment method.  Please review the information that you entered for accuracy and click “Continue”.
  • To complete the process, you must read the agreement form and click on the “I Agree” box if you want the University to credit funds to your personal checking or saving account.
  • Click "Print Agreement" to keep a copy for your records and then click "Continue" to finalize the set up of your account for refunds.

Please be sure that your ABA routing and account numbers are correct to ensure that your eRefund is posted to your bank account in a timely manner.  Please remember that if you close your bank account or change banking institutions you must remove the refund option for direct deposit by going to “Refunds” and click on the "Remove” option.  If your refund is rejected because of an incorrect ABA routing and/or account numbers, you will receive a paper check in the mail, which will delay you receiving your refund.

If you are eligible for a refund and your account is set up for eRefunds, an automatic email notification will be sent to your WPU email account to inform you of your eRefund.  Your eRefund will appear in your account within 48-72 hours after it is processed.


Office of Student Accounts

Morrison Hall, Room 104
Email »

Office Hours
M-F 8:30 am - 4:30pm

Summer 2024
May 28 - Aug 9
M-Th 8:00 am - 5:15pm*

*The weeks of Memorial Day, Juneteenth and July 5 follow the 8:30 am to 4:30 pm schedule.