Virtual Book Club

Join the William Paterson University Virtual Book Club! In this online community, alumni, faculty, and staff can connect with each other and enjoy books related to lifelong learning, social issues, literature, psychology, and more. Joining the book club is complimentary – you just have to get a copy of the book to enjoy.

The book club will read 5 books over the course of the year and will focus on the theme:

Social Justice: Learning and Building Community Across Differences


The Bird Hotel.jpg

The current book selection is
The Bird Hotel
by Joyce Maynard
The current reading period is March - May

How It Works
The book club is completely virtual and will connect through a private online forum where alumni, faculty and staff can discuss the current book and network with each other. The group will spend two months on each book, so you'll have plenty of time to read. You do not have to commit to reading every book.

The book club will have a moderator who manages the forum where discussions occur online. The moderator will pose questions to the group, share relevant articles and facilitate conversation about topics in the book. Members will be encouraged to post and share as well. This format allows for ongoing conversation and makes it easy for readers to connect with each other through the forum.

Why Should You Join?
There are three main reasons we hope you'll be excited to participate in our book club:

  • Connect with fellow alumni, faculty and staff
  • Be a part of a lifelong learning community
  • Reading is good for you

If you are already a member, sign in here to join the conversation!

The book club will be managed by PBC Guru. PBC Guru manages professional book clubs for companies and alumni associations and will be moderating the group to help make this program a great experience for all participants.

Contact the Office of Alumni Relations at or 973.720.2175.

The WP Virtual Book Club is offered in partnership by the Office of Alumni Relations, the William Paterson University Alumni Association and the Office of Employment Equity and Diversity.