Everyone But You—A Comic Book

Fine arts major Matthew De Martini ’21 channeled heartbreak into creative expression for his thesis in the honors performing and literary arts track with his project, Everyone But You, a comic book based on a break up he had experienced.

“The comic deals with the end of relationships, as well as human emotion and the fragility of the connections we make in our lives,” says DeMartini, who plans a career in storyboarding or comics. “It’s a very personal story about this common thing everybody goes through and I wanted to convey my own emotions and experience through art and writing.”

He created the book in pencil and ink before uploading it digitally for touch ups, text placement, and printing. “As an artist this project helped me to further my craft and to pursue my dream of becoming an illustrator in the future. It is the highlight of my time in the Honors College at William Paterson University and will hopefully serve me as a portfolio piece for me to present to future employers.”

DeMartini credits his professors for their assistance, including his thesis advisor, English professor Phillip Cioffari, and art professors Steve Rittler and Jen Hurler.

“The professors at WP have been a major inspiration and help to me in navigating my future and figuring out my career path. They help keep me realistic about where I’m going while encouraging me to continue forward,” he says. 

A Dean’s List student each semester, DeMartini’s artwork has been on display this spring in the University Galleries as part of Here/Now, a juried exhibition of student artwork.

